Clearing Heat and Detoxifying
乐仁堂清宁丸 Lerentang Qingning Wan
乐仁堂清宁丸 每盒6袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Lerentang Qingning Wan Quantity/Box: 6 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Lerentang Qingning Wan- $16.72
$49.96- $16.72
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- per
人生三黄膏 Rensheng Sanhuang Gao
人生三黄膏 每盒20克 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Rensheng Sanhuang Gao Quantity/Box: 20g Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Rensheng Sanhuang Gao- $12.98
$49.96- $12.98
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- per
Guangyu Donglingcao Pian 广宇冬凌草片
广宇冬凌草片 每盒100片 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Guangyu Donglingcao Pian Quantity/Box: 100 Tablets Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Guangyu Donglingcao Pian- $9.24
$0.00- $9.24
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- per
仁和湿毒清片 Renhe Shiduqing Pian
仁和湿毒清片 每盒24片 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Renhe Shiduqing Pian Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Renhe Shiduqing Pian- $10.18
$49.98- $10.18
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- per
荣昌肛泰栓 Rongchang Gangtai Shuan Anti-Hemorrhoids Suppository
荣昌肛泰栓 每盒12粒 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Rongchang Gangtai Shuan Function: Anti-Hemorrhoids Quantity/Box: 12 Pieces Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Rongchang Gangtai Shuan- $13.91
$49.95- $13.91
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- per
3 Boxes TongRenTang Dabaidu Jaonang 同仁堂 大败毒胶囊
3 Boxes TongRenTang Dabaidu Jaonang 同仁堂 大败毒胶囊 通用名称:大败毒胶囊 汉语拼音: Dabaidu Jiaonang 【成份】大黄.蒲公英.陈皮、木鳖子、白芷,天花粉、金银花,黄柏乳香{制).当归、赤芍.甘草、蛇蜕(酒炙)、干蟾(制),蜈蚣.全蜴 【性状】本品为胶囊剂,内容物为黄褐色的粉末:气腥,味苦涩 【功能主治】清血敗毒,消肿止痛。用于脏脾毒热,血液不清引起的梅毒。血淋,白浊,尿道刺痛.大便秘结。疥疮,痈疽疮疡,红肿疼痛 【规格】每粒装0.5g General name: Dabaidu capsule Pinyin: Dabaidu Jiaonang [ingredients] rhubarb, dandelion, tangerine peel, soft shelled turtle seed, Angelica dahurica, trichosanthin, honeysuckle, Cortex Phellodendri frankincense {made). Angelica, red peony, licorice,...- $93.47
$249.98- $93.47
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三九感冒灵颗粒 999 Ganmaoling Keli Chinese Herb
三九感冒灵颗粒 用于感冒引起的头痛,发热,鼻塞,流涕,咽痛。 每袋10克 每盒9袋 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: 999 Ganmaoling Keli Quantity/Box: 9 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of 999 Ganmaoling Keli- $9.24
$49.95- $9.24
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'益民堂‘ 肺宁颗粒 (10克/袋*10袋/盒)Feining Keli 肺内感染 清热祛痰 镇咳止喘 慢性支气管炎咳嗽
【性状】 本品为黄棕色至棕褐色的颗粒,味甜,微苦。 【用法用量】开水冲服,一次10克,一日三次。 Legal Disclaimer Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented and that you always...- $12.78
$49.98- $12.78
- Unit price
- per
蒲地蓝消炎片 Pudilan Xiaoyan Pian (48片/盒)清热解毒 抗炎消肿 用于疖肿 咽炎 扁桃腺炎
【用法用量】 口服,一次5-8片,一日4次 【性状】本品为糖衣片,除去糖衣后显棕褐色,味微苦。 Legal Disclaimer Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and different information than what is shown on our website. We recommend that you do not rely solely on the information presented and that you always...- $11.30
$95.83- $11.30
- Unit price
- per
仲景三黄片50片 Chinese herb Zhongjing Sanhuangpian clearing heat and removing toxicity
...- From $38.36
$95.83- From $38.36
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Chinese Herb Baiyunshan Kelichongji 白云山清颗粒冲剂100g/包 解毒消肿 Detoxify detumescence
...- From $43.28
$49.98- From $43.28
- Unit price
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Niu Huang Jiang Ya Wan 牛黄降压丸 10丸/盒
品 牌:同仁堂 产 地:中国 规 格:1 x 10粒 保质期:见包装 功效:清心化痰、平肝安神,用于心肝火旺,痰热所致的头晕,头痛失眠、烦燥不安,高血压病见上述证候者。 For high blood-pressure Please do not take this product with other pain killer or medication. Statements on these herbal supplement have not been evaluated by the FDA.- $23.80
$49.98- $23.80
- Unit price
- per
24包 何济公止痛退熱散 He Ji Gong Zhi Teng Tui Re San
何濟公止痛退熱散 1盒24包 使用方法: 成人每次服一包,每隔四小時再服一包,每天三次,小童減半,用荼或熱水沖服。 注意事項:不可同時服用其他含有撲熱息痛的藥物,不可同时服用其他含有扑热息痛的药物。 儲存方式:置於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 1 Box 24pack. Product Usage For adults one package to be taken with boiled water.Repeat every four hours as needed.Three times daily.Half dosage for children. Product Warnings Do not take with any other containing paracetamol Storage Condition...- $29.78
$49.98- $29.78
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Tongrentang Niuhuang Shangqing Wan (6G X 10 Pills) 同仁堂牛黄上清丸
Function: Helps detox body, canker sores, toothache, and constipation.* Directions:1 big honeyed pill each time, twice a day. *Please note: these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product...- $11.80
$49.98- $11.80
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- per
Zhongsheng Qingre Qushi Keli 众生清热祛湿颗粒
众生清热祛湿颗粒 每袋16小包 1袋装 保质期36个月 Item: Zhongsheng Qingre Qushi Keli Quantity/Bag: 16 Small Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Bag of Zhongsheng Qingre Qushi Keli- $12.98
$0.00- $12.98
- Unit price
- per
邦琪集团复方鱼腥草颗粒 Bangqijituan Fufang Yuxingcao Keli
邦琪集团复方鱼腥草颗粒 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Bangqijituan Fufang Yuxingcao Keli Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Bangqijituan Fufang Yuxingcao Keli- $11.11
$49.98- $11.11
- Unit price
- per
九鑫清热暗疮丸72丸/盒装 Jiu Xin Qing Re An Chuang Wan Jiuxin Qingreanchuangwan
九鑫清热暗疮丸 每盒72丸 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Jinxin Qingre Anchuang Wan Quantity/Box: 72 Pills Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Jinxin Qingre Anchuang Wan- $9.24
$49.98- $9.24
- Unit price
- per
同仁堂五福化毒丸 Tongrentang Wu Fu Hua Du Wan Tongrentang Wufuhuaduwan
同仁堂五福化毒丸 清热解毒 凉血消肿 每盒30克 1盒装 保质期48个月 Item: Tongrentang Wufu Huadu Wan Quantity/Box: 30g Shelf Life: 48 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Wufu Huadu Wan- $11.01
$49.98- $11.01
- Unit price
- per
同仁堂牛黄上清丸 6克*10丸/盒 Tongrentang Niu Huang Shang Qing Wan Niuhuangshangqingwan
用于热毒内盛,风火上攻所致的头痛眩晕,目赤耳鸣,咽喉肿痛,口舌生疮,牙龈肿痛,大便燥结。- $11.80
$49.98- $11.80
- Unit price
- per
云南白药清肺抑火片 清肺止嗽 降火生津 YNBY Qing Fei Yi Huo Pian YNBY Qingfeiyihuopian
- $11.71
$49.98- $11.71
- Unit price
- per