Clearing Heat and Detoxifying
LOTUS Clear away the plague and detoxify cough acute respiratory release the lung and heat - 1 Box
Product description: (Copy Manual from the manufacturer) [Brand] YILING [Manufacturer] Shijiazhuang Yiling Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd [Name] Lianhua Qingwen Jiaonang [Ingredients] Weeping Forsythia Capsule, Japanese Honeysuckle Flower, Ephedra Herb(honey-fried), Bitter Apricot Seed(stir-baked), Gypsum, Isatis Root, Male Fern Rhizome, Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb, Cablin Patchouli Herb, Rhubarb,...- From $10.98
$49.98- From $10.98
- Unit price
- per
- 1 Box
- 2 Boxes
- 3 Boxes
- 10 Boxes
同仁堂清胃黄连丸 Tongrentang Qingwei Huanglian Wan
同仁堂清胃黄连丸 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期48个月 Item: Tongrentang Qingwei Huanglian Wan Quantity/Box: 10Bags Shelf Life: 48 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Qingwei Huanglian Wan- $12.78
$99.95- $12.78
- Unit price
- per
2 Boxes (240 Bags Totally) Jishi Donglingcao Cha 济世冬凌草茶
济世冬凌草茶 每盒120袋 2盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Jishi Donglingcao Cha Quantity/Box: 120 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 2 Boxes of Jishi Donglingcao Cha- $32.45
$162.30- $32.45
- Unit price
- per
安友心神怡清心沉香八味散 Anyou Xinshenyi Qingxin Chenxiang Bawei San
安友心神怡清心沉香八味散 每盒5袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Anyou Xinshenyi Qingxin Chenxiang Bawei San Quantity/Box: 5 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Anyou Xinshenyi Qingxin Chenxiang Bawei San- $17.69
$99.95- $17.69
- Unit price
- per
太极黄连上清丸 Taiji Huanglian Shangqing Wan
太极黄连上清丸 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Taiji Huanglian Shangqing Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Taiji Huanglian Shangqing Wan- $11.79
$95.26- $11.79
- Unit price
- per
秦昆栀子金花丸 Qinkun Zhizi Jinhua Wan
秦昆栀子金花丸 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Qinkun Zhizi Jinhua Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Qinkun Zhizi Jinhua Wan- $11.80
$95.26- $11.80
- Unit price
- per
Guangyu Donglingcao Pian 广宇冬凌草片
广宇冬凌草片 每盒100片 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Guangyu Donglingcao Pian Quantity/Box: 100 Tablets Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Guangyu Donglingcao Pian- $9.83
$99.95- $9.83
- Unit price
- per
Xichen Yinhuang Keli 希臣银黄颗粒
希臣银黄颗粒 每盒20袋 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Xichen Yinhuang Keli Quantity/Box: 20 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Xichen Yinhuang Keli- $11.80
$99.95- $11.80
- Unit price
- per
百灵鸟维C银翘片 Bailingniao Wei C Yinqiao Pian
百灵鸟维C银翘片 每盒24片 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Bailingniao Wei C Yinqiao Pian Quantity/Box: 24 Tablets Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Bailingniao Wei C Yinqiao Pian- $8.84
$65.30- $8.84
- Unit price
- per
兴安岭北豆根胶囊 Xinganling Beidougen Jiaonang
兴安岭北豆根胶囊 每盒20粒 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Xinganling Beidougen Jiaonang Quantity/Box: 20 Capsules Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Xinganling Beidougen Jiaonang- $9.83
$65.30- $9.83
- Unit price
- per
来自东方的神秘力量---风油精清凉止痛驱风止痒防虫叮咬晕车晕船Feng You Jing
水仙牌风油精 止痒蚊虫叮咬提神醒脑清凉燥湿夏季头痛 每盒6毫升 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Shuixian Feng You Jing Quantity/Box: 6ml Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Shuixian Feng You Jing- $5.89
$49.95- $5.89
- Unit price
- per
神苗小儿清肺化痰颗粒清热化痰止咳平喘 Shen Miao Xiao'er Qing Fei Hua Tan Ke Li
神苗小儿清肺化痰颗粒 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Shenmiao Xiao'er Qingfei Huatan Keli Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Shenmiao Xiao'er Qingfei Huatan Keli- $12.78
$49.95- $12.78
- Unit price
- per
天天乐感冒清热颗粒 疏风散寒 解表清热 咳嗽咽干 Tian Tian Le Gan Mao Qing Re Ke Li
天天乐感冒清热颗粒 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期18个月 Item: Tiantianle Ganmao Qingre Keli Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 18 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tiantianle Ganmao Qingre Keli- $9.83
$49.95- $9.83
- Unit price
- per
久欣小青龙颗粒 止咳平喘 恶寒发热 喘咳痰稀 Jiu Xin Xiao Qingl Ong Ke Li
久欣小青龙颗粒 每盒6袋 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Jiuxin Xiaoqinglong Keli Quantity/Box: 6 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Jiuxin Xiaoqinglong Keli- $9.83
$49.95- $9.83
- Unit price
- per
三九感冒灵颗粒 头痛 发热 鼻塞 流涕 咽痛 999 Gan Mao Ling Ke Li Chinese Herb
三九感冒灵颗粒 每盒9袋 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: 999 Ganmaoling Keli Quantity/Box: 9 Bags Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of 999 Ganmaoling Keli- $9.83
$58.52- $9.83
- Unit price
- per
同仁堂黄连上清丸 Tongrentang Huanglian Shangqing Wan
同仁堂黄连上清丸 每盒10丸 1盒装 保质期60个月 Item: Tongrentang Huanglian Shangqing Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Big Pills Shelf Life: 60 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Tongrentang Huanglian Shangqing Wan- $11.80
$49.96- $11.80
- Unit price
- per
九芝堂利尔眠胶囊 Jiuzhitang Li'ermian Jiaonang
Two types of packaging are randomly shipped. 九芝堂利尔眠胶囊 每盒10粒 1盒装 保质期30个月 Item: Jiuzhitang Li'ermian Jiaonang Quantity/Box: 10 Capsules Shelf Life: 30 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Jiuzhitang Li'ermian Jiaonang- $10.81
$58.52- $10.81
- Unit price
- per
亚泰康派荨麻疹丸 Yataikangpai Xunmazhen Wan
亚泰康派荨麻疹丸 每盒10袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Yataikangpai Xunmazhen Wan Quantity/Box: 10 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Yataikangpai Xunmazhen Wan- $11.80
$58.52- $11.80
- Unit price
- per
安灯冬凌草片 Andeng Donglingcao Pian
安灯冬凌草片 清热解毒 消肿散结 利咽止痛 每盒100片 1盒装 保质期24个月 Item: Andeng Donglingcao Pian Quantity/Box: 100 Tablets Shelf Life: 24 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Andeng Donglingcao Pian- $8.84
$58.52- $8.84
- Unit price
- per
花红葛根芩连丸 Huahong Gegen Qinlian Wan
花红葛根芩连丸 每盒6袋 1盒装 保质期36个月 Item: Gegen Qinlian Wan Quantity/Box: 6 Bags Shelf Life: 36 Months Package Included: 1 Box of Gegen Qinlian Wan- $15.73
$49.96- $15.73
- Unit price
- per